Saturday, August 17, 2013

Link to Video of my Title picture

This is what I find so fascinating about Fassifern and double Garratts  ,here is a short video of the action on youtube



  1. Peter,

    Thanks for posting that link. Absolute raw power at its best!

    cheers Phil

  2. No worries Phil the size and the power of those beasts , It will be great to see 6029 back on the tracks soon Ill be there to see its first run . Its a pity its being done in Canberra too far for me to travel to lend a hand (my lame excuse anyway) as Im a fitter by trade. As a kid I worked on 6040 at Enfield . Now an armchair enthusiast,did more than my fair share for the Heritage movement at Enfield 72- till the move.
    cheers Peter
