Saturday, June 2, 2012

NORTH137and142 photos

Numbered pictures correspond with arrows on previous post

1.The run up to Hawkemount /down to Tickhill tunnel with
single track the Wangi branch turn back .

2.North Awaba near the Cessnock rd bridge ,
refuge loop on right and
backplatform road onto Wangi

3.Newstan Colliery sidings and loading bins.
Single track joins mainline at Nth Fassifern

4.View looking towards Fassifern from where Wakefield rd bridge will be.
Newstan branch joins Mainline near lattice signal post.Coal trains can
 leave and return to here/Newstan without stopping via Wangi turnback.

6.Fassifern crossover from Toronto Branch.
7.Wangi turnback below with 4201 running light into Fassifern

8.Toronto Station,yard with parachute water tank and goods shed

9.The run uphill between Awaba and south Fassifern with passing loop
 on the down and cement siding (program track)
Area unnamed



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