Thursday, December 22, 2011

57 chassis live

I was asked how I liven the dead side of a DJH chassis this is my 5 year 57 project.

I solder some double sided pcb (I use sleeper) across the frame at the top between the 3rd and 4th drivers with the overhanging sleeper on the dead side. Then on the top side of the overhang solder some pickup wire that you can bend down to touch the top of the drivers. Do the same to the other one. Now solder an insulated wire (red in pic)to the PCB and run it to one of the motor terminals. That's it done now the chassis will move without the tender attached . I liven the dead side of the tender bogies also (which will be the opposite side to the chassis you just did) and connect both pickups together and then run a single wire to the frame of the chassis. Now you have all wheel pick up on both loco and tender

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Grandtline windows

A quick update
3 weeks and still no sign of the windows.After much prompting via emails to Grandtline, direct they responded back stating they would send the windows back to me via Airmail.STILL waiting.Ha what a joke ive received DVDs and books from the book depository from the UK in 5 days.waiting waiting waiting. One bright side ive tidied up the garage/layout room again and wired and installed peco point motors on the other module,Newstan end of the main and branch.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Toronto on DVD

Whilst on a home layout visit recently a DVD was playing and I looked up and saw Toronto yard and something different to the normal 30 tank or 620 class railmotor. It was the "beer" train which consisted of a 50class 2 s trucks a red GHG.Hooray ive finally found Toronto in moving pictures!The DVD is called Days of Steam vol2 and its of the short north only.Quality is very good i have vol 1 on video and the quality is poor in comparision. Last Wednesday I went to ARHS bookshop on Central station and bought a copy @ $40.

Windows a lesson learnt

My Fassifern station building project came to a sudden halt when i discovered i needed more packets of Grandtline windows. I cut and shut the previously bought windows into one side of the building. I rang the shop where i bought the first packet to buy more and they were on order from the states. Ive been waiting since that previous blog post on the 15th of July for these windows to come from the US. Then at Liverpool exibition ,perusing the Gwydir stand I see titchy windows that i could have possibly used IF i hadnt cut up the one side sofar. These windows became a saga, i ended up ringing no less that 20 shops in Sydney, Newcastle,Melbourne,Brisbane and lastly Adelaide(possibly also Perth) trying to source these windows. When the orignal shops delivery came in late last month these windows were on back order. So i decided to email Grandtline themselves in the US ,Yes we have plenty,that will be US$11 inc postage for to packs sent here. I didnt want to use my CC so a aske if I could send cash ,that will be no problem.They also said i could send the CC number in 2 emails if a wanted to but i said cash will be fine at my risk. It took 3 weeks to get there well at least it got there. They were going to send it last night Airmail lets see how long it take to get here.
Well the moral to the story is DONT cut until you have all the parts needed to complete a particular part of the project.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weathered and Almost complete Water Tank

The water tank at Fassifern weathered itself two tone a silverery colour on the top plates and black on the bottom plates. I found some pictures on the net thanks to Dazz,Weston Langford collection and GrahamH and others not mentioned.I spent 4hrs trawling through the pictures at the ARHS resorce centre at Redfern

looking for Info and Pictures of station buildings of Fassifern and Toronto goods shed.I found one useful picture of beyond the goods shed but still not of it.The boys down there were very helpful.Byways 20 makes mention of the Toronto GS ,states that it was 16x20 and very distant pics i have of it shows that it had a "A" frame roof line.Ive just tried my hand at making trees with info off the web site

,adams corner #13 ''making trees" ill post some pics if sucessful.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Water tank and column for Refuge siding

Still waiting for windows from local shop so i'm still unable to continue with the station building but heaps more to do. So i started the Water tank using a cut down Silvermaz water tank kit from Casula Hobbies,Greg Edwards data sheet (not the right one but i can use the data) and evergreen styrene columns and rod and sheet styrene for the gussets.A work in progress.The hill/cutting has also been formed painted trees and ballast to come.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Recycling ,used goods shed and trees

Looking back from the run into Toronto yard ive used a line of trees to hide the main line from the branchline.The switch in the forground isolates the goods shed line and can act as a program track with my NCE powercab.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Adding colour and Terrain to Toronto

My interpratation of Toronto is taking shape ive seperated Fassifern modules to scenic it as best i can.Toronto station is part of the yard.It will have a parachute water column,goods shed and a Casula Pc3 concrete station ,entry and exit for passengers will be from the end of the platform not via the stairs as the case was in real life.Ive used the hill behind Toronto station to seperate it from Fassifern station.Here are some pics sofar.I waiting to get more windows so I can finish Fassifern Station building,as the case is when you need 2 packets of something shops only have one.Hopefully Blacktown MRRC will get more stock soon.The bright green parts is where i will use a grassinator once i make one ive got the static charger from Oatley electronics.Fine black ballast was used on Toronto yard and blue metal dust on Fassifern down siding.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fassifern Station colour Scheme Help

This is a screen shot taken from one of my DVDs, can anyone recall what colour the fixing's ,doors and woodwork were in the late 60's.It appears from this shot the plumbing pipes were painted light blue including the rendered awning stays.The rendered band around the building appears white.Were the metal awnings painted light blue also?In later pictures this whole end was bricked up.Was this due to the accident that wiped out the pedistrian bridge? I also need the colour of the Timber shelter on the down side, seen on the mid right side of the picture.In the early 60s it was painted a Tan colour and their was a large Palm tree on the Newcastle side.When this picture was taken there was a different tree/shrub there.Any help with colours?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Eureka CPH and CTH

Played with a Eureka CPH railmotor today at my club. CPH showing CTH with inside lights on.CPH has a yellow headlight on radiator end and white coloured headlight on the other end.Engine sound is not the same as 620 some of the standing sounds are the same.Sorry video didnt work.From what ive been told the CPH and CTH will need to have different addresses, to operate the headlights or when running CTH first with headlight on both CPH and CTH headlights will be on if the one address is used.A very nice model that runs well and sounds good.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Windows fitted

Sourced some 6 pane windows glued into brick building once dry I will need to frame the panes.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Convert An AMRI station to Fassifern Station Building

The AMRI station building as bought doesnt have the large windows on the Sydney end(signalbox) of the station I have removed the existing windows and changed windows to doors on the other end of the building.Now I have to construct the windows.


.The upper photo shows what I have cut out to change windows to doors.

ADDED ive done a web search and found windows by Grandt line 3 section window panes.Now to find a local source who has stock of the window #5289.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Need a 59 for my layout I bought this kit at 2009 liverpool show almost finished .It will have sound.